Monday, August 8, 2011

Why should anyone breed?

Ok I have posted my question about what is wrong with mixed breed and I have taken aboard what you have all said but I am finding your answers one sided and conflicting. If there are so many puppies & dogs in shelters needing homes and being killed everyday what gives even a" breeder" the right to breed at all when there would be more homes for the ones in shelters and don't give me that crap making a better dog bec ause all you are doing is the same you are telling everyone else "making less homes for the dogs already here. How selfish is it to breed for show quality(your ego). As far as me mixing my breeds for working dogs is no different than you breeding dogs for show except at least my dog has a reason to be here not to be shown off to everyone. We are all breeding to make better dogs. I also do need breed for profit more often than not I lose money I do it for the love of making a better hunting dog because that is what they love to do .

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